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Imperial standard star system universal information database.

Type in the standard star system universal code (sssuc) without the dash, click the name field to retrive the name from the database and press create to create a visualization of the system.

To access the palanetarry data in the standard planet universal code(spuc) database enter the system data below and then select the planet in question in the visualisation.

SSSUC: Name:

Note that the extended data for non habitable planets and the data fr nonplanetary objects is not available in the public database. If you have a requirement to purchase such data and updates please inquire with your requirements by mail to the inquiries adress below.

The extended help can be found in impnet:survey/sssuc/help/
All inquiries should be mailed to sssuc.inquiries@survey.impnet
All corrections should be mailed to: sssuc.corrections@survey.impnet
Note that this database does not contain core system data. It can be found in the palace guard core system information site impnet:palace guard/core system/